The number of fittings varies from bride to bride. If your gown has been made to special measurements, and you’ve stayed the same shape, a single fitting may suffice. More often, a second, third or even fourth appointment is necessary, especially if your gown is a ‘standard’ dress size, and you are having multiple alterations. Providing your measurements don’t change, we only charge for the finished job, NOT the number of fittings.
The ideal scenario is to start alterations 2-3 months for your big day, however this may not always be possible, so we are flexible and will work to the time frame needed to endeavour to get your dress ready in the required time frame.
We will take care of booking your alteration appointments, which will all take place at RiRi’s, however these ladies manage their own invoices and payments so you will pay them directly for any work carried out. We will always be very clear and upfront about your alterations charges, and ask that you pay in cash on your final fitting, once the alterations have been signed off.
To ensure the dress is being altered perfectly, each time you arrive for a fitting, you must remember to bring the shoes and underwear you will be wearing on the wedding day. The fitting cannot be carried out without them as they will naturally alter the fit of the gown.
After your final fitting, you will take your dress home. You will check over your gown thoroughly on the day you take it home, as you’ll be signing a legally binding pick up form to say that you are happy with the condition and the fit of your gown.
Once any gown has left our premises we will not be held responsible for any damage that may happen to it.